Frequently Asked Questions
Reformer Pilates 24/7 (RP247) is a virtual on demand studio, meaning you train when you want to and how you want to. You get to pick your own class, even revisit an old favourite or level up to something a bit more challenging. There are no more missed classes or doors locking after a class has commenced. You pick the time, you pick your class - You Are Always In Control.
At Reformer Pilates 24/7 your safety is our NUMBER 1 Priority! Nothing is more important to use than the safety of our members and that is why we have installed the latest state of the art security systems in our studios.
From external cameras you can view before leaving making sure outside is safe to personal Duress Alarms at every station. Should you require emergency assistance for any reason our 24hr Control Room is there for you.
Pilates has become increasingly popular online and in Health Club and Gym settings, but the quality of the instruction varies from high quality to barely unrecognizable, and even at times dangerous. RP247 is dedicated to teaching Pilates in the way that Joseph Pilates intended it to be taught; utilising the full array of classical exercises and equipment. Our world renowned expert instructors are committed to thoughtfully crafting workouts to the needs of their clients in a way that is difficult to reproduce in group settings.
Best of all, our studios are private and dedicated so you don’t have to put up with noisy Gym environment that can be very judgmental and uncomfortable for most people.
PERFECT! Our dedicated trainers will take you from a raw novice to an expert over time. The classes have been put together with this in mind so you can develop at your own pace. There is no rush, just go through the classes from beginner to expert as your abilities increase.
RP247 is committed to making Pilates as affordable as possible by keeping our overheads and marketing costs low so we can pass on the savings to members. Our best value membership is our Diamond package. Unlimited access so you can do as many sessions as you like starting at only $38.50 a week.
If you want to drop in casually just grab the Bronze Membership for $67.00. There are NO LOCK IN CONTRACTS unless you chose to, suspend your membership if you are going away or keep it active and visit another studio. You have total control on how your membership is managed through your exclusive members portal. There are 5 levels of membership to cater for everyones lifestyle and budget.
Pilates, like any form of exercise when done correctly, is known for being a safer low-impact effective alternative to more aggressive functional fitness modalities that involve heavy weights and repetitive motion. Our instructors are sensitive to pre-existing injuries and carefully consider the strengths and challenges of the client in front of them. While Pilates is frequently recommended by medical professionals as a relatively safe workout system, it is important that you seek advice from your doctor or Physical Therapist before beginning any new exercise program.
RP247 does not have the facilities to process Private Health Funds. For those who have private health insurance, please refer to your insurer to see if your membership may be covered for a rebate.
You won’t know until try! The Pilates Method is built on principles that are universally essential to daily living: core strength and stability, posture, muscle control, balance, and endurance. RP247 is confident that consistent Pilates practice will lead clients of all ages and ability levels to feel better equipped for the demands of daily life. However, individuals with acute injuries and/or chronic health concerns must seek advice from a doctor or physical therapist before starting any form of exercise.
We recommend scheduling 3 Pilates workouts per week to experience the full benefits of the practice. If for some reason 3 workouts isn’t possible, 1 is better than none. Saying that, we have members that do 1-2 sessions a day everyday of the week. The benefits of Reformer Pilates sessions are powerful and lasting, but consistent attendance is most beneficial. You will get as much out of Pilates as you put into it!
Clothing that is fitted and comfortable is recommended for practicing Pilates. Come dressed in something that you are comfortable moving in. Should you choose to wear loose fitting shorts, we ask that you wear tight, bike-style shorts underneath. You don’t need the latest fashion to attend, our studio is non-trendy, your comfort counts.
Joe Pilates said, “In 10 sessions you will feel better, in 20 you will look better, and in 30 you will have a whole new body.” In our many years teaching we’ve seen life changing positive results in our ourselves and others who do Reformer Pilates. This can result in increased muscle tone, improved posture, and greater sense of strength, balance, and ease of movement.
There is an old saying ‘Abs Are Made In The Kitchen’. Any exercise routine used in conjunction with a qualified Dietician or Nutritionist will deliver client results.
For members who have been medically cleared to do Pilates, our workouts have a reputation for being reliably safe and effective for mitigating back pain.
If your doctor has cleared you to exercise and you have no complications – Go For It!
Simply filter through our classes to find out which ones are suitable for prenatal sessions. The Class Description will also explain if there is any prenatal specific advice, like how many weeks you can take this class for or any modifications you could take if necessary. All our studios are equipped with what you need to modify any exercises available.
If you're ever unsure or would like to chat with one of our skilled teachers just contact us. We love supporting you through your pregnancy and the health of you and your baby is our top priority.
If you'd like to know more about exercising while pregnant, read the Exercise During Pregnancy Guidance from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists or the Vic Government Better Health Pregnancy and Exercise Guidelines.